Art imitates life... this blog is about the experiences and the people that shape my life and inspire my designs.
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Showing posts with label CrossFit Jewelry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CrossFit Jewelry. Show all posts

Sunday, October 24, 2010

The New Look

BAM!  Here it is my sporty friends, the new face of Fashletics.  I may have just given Fashletics a makeover but let's not forget, it's what's on the inside that really counts... 

It is nearly impossible to sum up the essence of a brand in a simple symbol.  It is especially difficult when this brand encompasses so much that I love and so much that defines my own life.  And beyond wanting to express myself and my own passion for athletics I am trying to create something that is meaningful to others.  

So beneath this clean, fresh and flashy new blue logo lies the Fashletics mantra: LIVE • LOVE • LIFT.  Fashletics is all heart and it exists because throughout life I have constantly been encouraged to do what I love.  Ultimately, pursuing what you love in life will never fail you.  You may have to work harder, it may take longer, and it may not pay as well but I think the reward is far greater than anything else and the journey is more exciting.  Trust me, if I were only interested in monetary success I would have not gone to art school!

So all this living and loving, it's hard work!  It is hard to stay positive in the midst of heartbreak, failure, or tragedy.  It is hard to overcome physical and emotional obstacles that seem to stand in the way of our dreams and goals. Sometimes its hard just get out of bed in the morning and sometimes it seems impossible to fall asleep at night.  So where do we find the strength?  

For me, physical and emotional strength go hand in hand.  Achieving  physical goals, building strength, and learning new skills gives me the confidence to take on challenges outside the world of fitness.  And I know it's not just me.  As a CrossFit coach it has been incredibly rewarding to watch others gain strength and confidence by challenging their physical ability.  

So when I say "LIVE • LOVE • LIFT" - yes - I am referring to the actual physical act of lifting your body, lifting weights, or simply lifting yourself out of bed when you would rather not.  But the reason I am so passionate about physical lifting is not only because it makes you fit and healthy, it's because of the profound effect it has on your mind and spirit. So lift away my friends! Clean and jerk your way to happiness... I have!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Patience - A Present to Myself

Every once in a while I hear something that really hits home. The combination of the right words said at the right time within the perfect context. It's like a perfect storm of inspiration. And then I can’t get it out of my head so I have to hammer it into a piece of metal and wear it around my neck. That's what happened when my coach showed me the "Legendary" video created by SICFIT...

I was somewhere in the middle of my training program for Duathlon Worlds.   My training program consists of CrossFit WODs and CrossFit Endurance WODs with a focus on cycling and running. It's a lot. It's a lot on the body and a lot on the brain.  I was starting to become obsessed with PR's, with perfection, with getting faster and stronger RIGHT NOW! There is a lot at stake after all... a competition at the World level... one that I had qualified for last year but missed the opportunity to compete in because I got hit by a car while cycling a week before the race (but that's another story for another time). The pressure was mounting, completely self-imposed I might add, and I was beginning to doubt myself and my ability. After what I considered to be a bad 5kTT I went to my coach.

"I'm concerned." I said seriously.

"About what?" he asked.

"About my general athletic ability." I responded.

Of course he laughed because this is a ridiculous statement. I probably don't even need to explain why it is ridiculous because in retrospect even I can hear how insane it sounds.  I was questioning my "general athletic ability" based on a single bad run. A run that probably wasn't even that bad if I had taken a second to look at all of the variables instead of just the time on the clock.  I was becoming so obsessed with each individual workout that I was beginning to forget to look at the big picture.
Enter SICFIT/MJ/Spealler video. "I know what I will become." Suddenly I remembered the night before my first triathlon training session a few years ago. I didn't swim. I didn't even own a bike. But there I was, all tucked in with my alarm set for 4am ready to start training for my first Tri in the morning. I had nothing but the belief that I could do it, that I would do it and the desire and discipline to work as hard as possible to get there. That's where my head needs to be. "I can and I will." I looked at where I started and realized that I'm actually doing this. I am becoming the person that I want to be.  The key word there: "becoming".  I have to remember that this is a journey... and it definitely does not end with a crappy 5k.